Website Site and Project Portfolio
Sites I've either built or been responsible for the updates or maintenance of.

Magento 2 Hyvä Themes build for Austin Pedal Cars
Magento 2 Hyvä Themes build for Austin Pedal Cars.

Wasabi Cleanup Application
An application to cleanup files outside a buckets compliance period.

Magento 2 Outdated Browser Warning Module
A simple module that outputs a warning if an unsupported browser is being used to view the website.

Magento 2 WYSIWYG Error Remover Module
Removes the error message displayed when saving a CMS page in Magento 2.4.2 or higher.

Jigsaw Sitemap Generator Plugin
Generates a sitemap.xml for your jigsaw site during the build process.

Jigsaw Static Website Build for Myself
An update from the old SOZOcms version of my site to the new static generated Jigsaw build.

Magento 2 Site build for NutritionX
A Magento 2 build for an award winning sports nutrition site.

Magento 2 Site build for Sensory Direct
A Magento 2 build for sensory toys and equipment seller.

Magento 2 DB Sync Bash Script
A bash script to synchronise databases from production to staging or development.

Magento 2 Site build for Cotswold Collections
A Magento 2 build for a ladies fashion ecommerce site.

Magento 1 United States Store Addition for Orangetree Toys
An update to include an additional territory of sales to the existing Magento 1 site.

Magento 2 Currency Conversion Extended Module
A plugin for Magento 2 that adds additional currency converters

Magento 2 Site Build for Attwoolls
A Magento 2 build for a camping supplies retailer.

Magento 2 PureChat Module
A plugin for Magento 2 that outputs the PureChat JavaScript code into the website

Bespoke Ecommerce build for Janes Pantry
Facelift of existing site and update to the codebase

Magento 2 Site Build for Tivoli Wines
A Magento 2 build for a wine retailer and vineyard tour provider.

Magento 2 JivoChat Module
A plugin for Magento 2 that outputs the JivoChat JavaScript code into the website

Magento 2 Website Build for Toylander
A Magento 2 build for a custom build electric car for children.

Magento 2 Usersnap Module
A plugin for Magento 2 that outputs the Usersnap JavaScript code into the website

PHP Content Management System Build for Agylia
Build a CMS to control the company marketing for their learning management system

Magento 1 Site build for Orangetree Toys
A Magento build for a toy designer and wholesaler.

Magento 2 Site build for WatchGecko
A Magento 2 build for an international watch strap retailer.

Bespoke CMS Build for VCS Security
Bespoke CMS build

Bespoke CMS build for McCarthy Marland
Bespoke CMS build

Bespoke CMS and Ecommerce build for Mosaic Search
Bespoke CMS build

Bespoke CMS and Ecommerce build for Sky Garden
Bespoke CMS build with ecommerce added post launch

Bespoke CMS and members area build for Frasers Budgens
Bespoke CMS build with members area for customers

Bespoke Ecommerce build for Janes Pantry
Bespoke Ecommerce and CMS build

PHP Ecommerce and Content Management System Build for UberRC
Build an ecommerce shop and CMS to sell Remote Control Car parts internationally